I have tried a few times to become a Vegetarian/Vegan and failed. Failure is just another chance to do it right.
I was a vegetarian in my youth ( 20-30) and slipped out of it, starting again is a challenge.
I am going to take it in steps this time and not try "cold turkey" (no pun meant). The reason I am going to take it in steps is because I need to make it a habit, find real life ways,for me, to actually keep doing it.
Below are a list of steps and a guess of the amount of time I will be in that phase.
Immediately stop buying and eating actual meat (Hamburger, Steak, Ribs, etc). EVERYTHING else is till on the menu. Just nothing at the butcher counter. If a can of beans has "beef flavoring" it is still ok.. for now. If you only do this step you are doing better than 95% of the people (totally made up that number). Approx 30 days.
Start reading ingredients. Removing items with beef,chicken,pork in the ingredients list. Not gonna worry about the by-products yet. Just step 1 and adding step 2 for approximately 30 days.
The biggest step. More ingredient reading and including all animal product and by products. I know this cuts out "seasoned" collard greens and i am crushed cuz i love me some seasoned collards.
not really sure but i will update this list as needed for me to complete my mission.